
Pruning Boxwood

Click Here to Subscribe! Tom's Tips: Pruning Boxwood (Click to Reveal Transcript) lot of time but it helps the plants stay natural looking in its group normal growth pattern if you want to shear it into a hedge there’s obviously the gas-powered hedge shears and...

Deadhead Rhododendrons

Click Here to Subscribe! Tom's Tips: Deadhead Rhododendrons (Click to Reveal Transcript) I get a lot of questions about how to properly care for rhododendrons rhododendrons in central Ohio are tough to grow because we have an alkaline soil a heavy clay soil and these...

Holes in My Hosta

Click Here to Subscribe! Tom's Tips: Holes in My Hosta (Click to Reveal Transcript) so we all have weather-related issues that we have to deal with in the garden and I’m joined by Deb Kentucky Deborah Kentucky who’s the garden sage and also has a blog...