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Tom's Tips: Pruning Boxwood (Click to Reveal Transcript)

lot of time but it helps the plants stay
natural looking in its group normal
growth pattern if you want to shear it
into a hedge there’s obviously the
gas-powered hedge shears and electric is
another version these guys are great
when you’re doing a lot of big hedges we
use these in our business all the time
there’s nothing wrong with it you want
to make sure your blades are sharp
though if they’re dull then they’ll grab
and tear and and and break the branches
instead of making a clean cut so you
want to make a clean cut and these are
nice because you can simply go through
and trim your box with this way I’m not
going to use these today my favorite is
the old fashioned head shears you got a
standard length hedge here and you’ve
got a long handle hedge here I like the
long handle because it lets me save my
back it also lets me stay back away from
the plant and see what it is that I’m
pruning now
we’ll notice that these boxwood are kind
of in balls it’s my goal to let these
grow together so I don’t want to prune
any foliage in between or if I’m going
to prune foliage in between just a
little bit just to nip it back I want
this to grow together as a hedge but the
important thing is I want to leave the
bottom of the plant wider than the top
of the plant this allows sunlight and
air circulation to the bottom of the
plant it helps that fold just stay nice
and tight all the way to the ground so
I’m going to begin by nipping off the
top and kind of working my way outward
down and you can see how easy I’m
cutting these these are nice and sharp i
oral them I clean them up and when I’m
done I’m going to put them away that way
as well so I’ve got a lot of box with
the trim but it makes pretty short work
you can see my paper down here is caught
on my clippings and again I’m leaving
the bottom wider I can always come back
and take off more but once I’ve cut it
off I can’t put it back on I haven’t
gone into the body of the plant here at
all I’ll come in and all sometimes I’ll
put up a string line to make sure I got
a nice tight line but basically you
repeat that for all of your shrubs that
you’re doing and you’re good to go
then as I said you simply take your
roll it up your Gardens already clean
pretty simple technique easy and it’s
biodegradable for your garden on Tom
okay I’ve got a few tips today and it
all revolves around pruning boxwood so
one of the first tips that I’ve got I’ve
got a yard waste bag and what I’ve done
is I just simply taken that yard waste
bag and I’ve opened it up so that I’m
getting as much surface area out of it
as I can and what I’m going to do is I’m
going to use that to catch my clippings
on the boxwood that’s one of the
challenges that we always have when
we’re pruning boxwood is you’ve got all
these small cuttings and leaves that get
into the landscape and make it dirty and
what do you do so what I’ll be able to
do is I’ll prove my boxwood they’ll fall
into this paper simply roll up the paper
and throw it in my comp as compost pile
so it’s a really easy way to manage
those it takes a little time to open up
the paper but if you could also get a
roll of paper and have that cost you a
little bit more money but that’s an easy
way of doing it – all right so now we
got a prune or boxwood and what’s the
proper technique there’s really several
ways you can do what I call pluck
pruning where you’re just taking a pair
of hand pruners
I love the Felco number eights that’s my
favorite pruner fits in my hand nicely
the pluck pruning is just really where
you’re going in and you’re plucking some
of the branches out of the plant I’m Tom Wood