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Tom's Tips: Deadhead Rhododendrons (Click to Reveal Transcript)

I get a lot of questions about how to
properly care for rhododendrons
rhododendrons in central Ohio are tough
to grow because we have an alkaline soil
a heavy clay soil and these guys love an
acidic soil that’s really well drained a
lot of organic material they grow
naturally in the mountains in between
rock crevices so the roots are really
shallow and spread through those rock
crevices in that organic matter so you
want to make sure that you’ve got a good
drained hole that’s amended with a lot
of organic material alright you’ve done
it you’ve planted it properly now and
it’s bloomed beautifully like this one
did how do we care for it afterwards
these are all spent flower blooms and
they’re beginning to produce seed heads
on each of these stems is going to
produce a seed what we want to do is we
want to pop those seed heads off just
like your deadheading a perennial or an
annual and what that’s going to do is
allow the plant to put more energy back
into growing new growth and these
axillary buds here will produce new
flower buds for next year that will be
stronger and larger so your bloom for
next year will be much better hey be
sure to check us out on facebook at wood
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twitter at wood wood and for more
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would landscape for your garden i’m tom