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Tom's Tips: Holes in My Hosta (Click to Reveal Transcript)

so we all have weather-related issues
that we have to deal with in the garden
and I’m joined by Deb Kentucky Deborah
Kentucky who’s the garden sage and also
has a blog Heartland Gardens Heartland
gardening actually that’s all right with
Theresa Woodard and Michael leach right
and we’re going to talk to them in
another video but right now let’s talk
about what happens when you get a
hailstorm and you have holes in the
hosta Oh last Friday night we had a
storm and it was hosta the size as my
husband set up edamame not b-but edamame
cuz they were bigger and big Hilson yeah
and it was five minutes and in the hosta
it you’ll see a shot of it later but
there are windows in my hosta and rips
and tears especially in the large leaf
ones so what do you do about that
nothing if you really if it bothers you
you can cut them out but for the most
part they’re there for the rest of the
season and it’s really not anything to
be concerned oh you may get a little bit
of browning on the edges where it’s torn
but the hostas gonna recover just fine
might even put some new foliage out it
will put some new foliage out we’ve had
a fantastic spring this year with all
the weather so I’m not too concerned and
besides I have a story to tell
holes in my hosta so I want to give a
little bit of a plug for your books yeah
I use them all the time they’re great
how come folks get the books you can go
to your local garden center or you can
go to or your other bookstore
of choice you probably don’t have
information about holes in your hosta in
here bro I don’t but the hostas are
going to be just fine for your garden
I’m Tom wood