missed the mascara beautiful I just got
that down as a fact they’re good enough
to eat you know like a peanut the birds
really like them I set them out from the
bird you would recommend I take a bite
well actually if they were roasted they
would probably be pretty good nutrients
for you all right all right but the
reality is is that these fly at night
time and most people miss them if they
go out at night time they might see a
brown bug flying around their light or
something like that and what we’re
seeing is the mass chafers and the
Japanese beetles are kind of off the
scale this you see some really high
population and and what that means is
they’ve got to find a place to lay their
eggs and they’re going to be laying
their eggs in people’s lawns in
landscapes golf course superintendents
I’ve already alerted them they need to
really make sure not only are they’re
gonna protect their fairways they need
to protect their roughs this year
because they’re going to get grubs in
there so if you’ve not had a grub
treatment or if you’ve been thinking
I’ve never had these grub problems this
is the year that I think you really
ought to reconsider this is there a
particular kind of lawn that’s more
prone to damage absolutely we’re in a
some nice turf right here and so I hate
to say it but the densest thickest turf
is also the one that’s at
highest risk of having these also what
we found is that lawns that are at least
four to five years old have had enough
time to build up the organic matter the
thatch that these grubs like to eat and
so if you’ve got that long that’s let’s
say over four to five years old it’s
pretty good you’ve kept the weeds out
and it’s fairly dense you’re at a high
risk this year or having white grubs
you’re sharing with me that these are
scarab beetles and they actually eat
that that’s right yeah well remember
scarab beetles are dung beetles okay and
what might remember you know what might
resemble a giant cow patty in your lawn
you probably don’t think about it but
that layer of that fat that’s in there
and that’s really what they’re eating
now of course they damage the root
system while they’re there eating that
organic matter so what do people do to
control the possibility should they do a
prophylactic treatment yeah the best
insecticides that work the best for the
these white grubs are what we call
preventive treatments now there are
people have been putting preventing
treatments all the way from May June
July and people are saying well I’m not
too late no you’re really right at the
ideal time right now because there’s
eggs in the turf those eggs are gonna
hatch out into the little tiny first
instar grubs at the end of July the
early part of August that’s when you
want the maximum amount of your insect
aside there and virtually all of the
grub insecticides that are registered
for trite grubs work very well things
like what we call a Sullivan
imidacloprid thymus ox is also known as
Marit Marit and close eye ammidon which
is arena and thymus oxen which is
meridian is it all of those work quite
well against the white grubs at this
time now obviously there’s different
trade names for those if you go to the
garden center just say I’d and I hate to
say this what you want to say is I want
an eel Nick okay my white rubs or the
Acela ‘print the celebrant is the non
Neo Nick that works pretty well where we
run into problems is the cheapest bag
that’s in the store that’s got that big
circle with a grub in it
yeah the line through it yeah that has a
pyrethroid insecticides
it doesn’t work and the reason for that
is that pyrethroid gets stuck in the
organic matter at the surface and never
gets down to where the grubs are so if
it’s a do-it-yourselfer you want a neo
nick or an Sela print chemical right if
they’re not doing it themselves most
lawn care providers should be dialed
into this and give you those two or
should they ask the lawn care provider
to are they putting down a neo Nick or
anise Ella printer well most of the lawn
care companies know the commercial
brands the things that that do work they
they read my fact sheets and all their
information that I provide for that but
what we find is that grub control from
any of the lawn care folks is an option
and a lot of people opt out of that so
yeah this is the case that they might
want to again call their lawn care
company and say you know I told you
didn’t want a grub treatment this year I
think maybe I want to reconsider that
and do it particularly this year because
the cycle is such that you’ve got big
population absolutely alright we’re
going to talk about some more bugs in
some other videos because this one went
pretty long but it was great information
I hope you’ll check back with us i’m tom
wood for your garden
and welcome back everybody I’ve got a
treat for you today I’m joined by dr.
David Shetler who’s the bug doc and if
you want to know something about bugs
this guy is an expert and knows one of
the things that’s always a problem and
people are asking me should I have grub
treatment with my lawn care let’s talk
about grubs you’re holding a whole
bucket of those what are they well these
happen to be the mass Schaffer grubs and
these are actually I have a light trap
that I run in my backyard to collect
insects and this is two nights worth wow
a backyard over in Hilliard Ohio and
what we’re finding is that a lot of
people saw a lot of Japanese beetles
this year it’s the most Japanese beetles
that we’ve seen in a long time
and people are wondering what happened
well it actually goes back to last year
if you remember last year we had a
slightly wetter than normal season and
it’s wet soil that allows for white grub
populations to build I the same thing
happened with mass chafers now people
Tom's Tips: Grub Treatments for Your Home (Click to Reveal Transcript)