hey everybody we’re down to Chadwick
Arboretum this morning and I’m joined by
dr. David Shetler who’s an entomologist
with the Ohio State University and one
of the problems that we have is Japanese
beetles and they’ve been really bad this
year yes talk about what we can expect
and some of the controls well the
Japanese beetles are kind of interesting
to me and they really came out like
gangbusters at the end of June but they
sort of kind of disappeared they haven’t
disappeared they’re out there in that
turf laying eggs right now but after
they lay that first batch of eggs
they’re liable to come back and feed on
some of their favorite plants and
obviously in the landscapes a lot of
people are using these knockout roses
and things like that in their landscapes
and traditionally rose flowers are one
of the favorite foods that Japanese
beetles have and we actually can see
here inside this red one there there’s a
couple of beetles in here well scoot
them out here for those who don’t
recognize some Japanese beetles are this
dark iridescent green with a sort of our
coppery sure wing covers on them we’ve
got these little white cottony marks
down the edges and they have those
typically they’ll feed on the leaves on
the leaves they’ll skeletonize the
leaves hopefully there were a lot more
punch in there yeah they sure with it
look at that just fell apart yep yeah
they’ll scallop the nice the leaves and
so we’ve got an example here of the
damage but when they love the flower
petals the flower petals are full of
sugars and are soft and liquidy and so
forth cyclic and yep now the problem
with controlling Japanese beetles
there’s a lot of insecticides including
the neonicotinoids that we’ve heard of
that will really control these very well
but we have to be careful this is a
flower and being a flower are their
pollinators that come in what we find is
that most of the hybrid teas the
knockouts that have multiple flower
petals it’s not open enough for the
pollinators to get into but there are
some of the older style roses that are
the single flowers or double flowers
Ingle petals and then yeah
and those the pollinators we’ll get into
so you’ll want to avoid using an eel
nikka tannoy on those on the other hand
we do have another sort of organic
insecticide called a Zander Acton which
is the active ingredient in nimi that’s
how the common name I studied this stuff
and I stole my head it’s a little fuzzy
so well the reason why I say a czar
directin is that there are neem oil
extracts out there those are just like
using a horticultural oil and really
don’t contain that active ingredient the
A’s are directed so when you buy that
container in the garden center look at
the bottom and make sure that it says as
a direct and on their certain percent
then you know you’ve got the right
material awesome and you should apply
that when the beetles are active yep
just spray it on there now again being a
sort of a semi organic material it’s
only going to last for maybe ten to
fourteen days
so you’ll have to the beetles come back
you’ll have to reapply it now since you
mentioned that they’re actually in the
lawns laying eggs should we be putting a
grub treatment down yet this year this
is obviously the best time because not
only do we have Japanese beetles but we
have mass chafers laying eggs also we’ve
got another video that we shot talking
about specifically the mass Shaffir yep
all right thanks for watching for your
garden i’m tom wood
Tom's Tips: Controlling Japanese Beetles (Click to Reveal Transcript)